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Serre duality graded singularity category

Let $R$ be a local Gorenstein ring of Krull dimension $d$ with an isolated singularity. Defined $D_{sing}(R)$ as the Verdier quotient $D^b(R)/Perf(R)$). Then, a famous result of Auslander says that ...
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injective dimension of dualizing complex

Let $R$ be a balanced dualizing complex of a Noetherian connected graded algebras $A$. Dose one always have $\text{id}_A R = \text{id}_{A^{op}} R$? Thanks a lot.
jason_zhou's user avatar
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Pseudo-coherent complexes over sheaves of non-commutative rings

I am posing a question on derived categories to which I was not able to find an answer anywhere in the literature. I would appreciate any answer, hint or suggestion. Assume that $\mathcal{R}_X$ is a ...
Flavius Aetius's user avatar