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Resolution of Simplicial Commutative Rings

I have just started learning some derived algebraic geometry. I was told that (if $ \mathrm{char}(\mathbb{K})=0 $) using commutative differential graded algebras in negative degree (for short $ \...
Alessandro's user avatar
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(Commutative) Algebras in $\mathsf{dgCat}_k$

Suppose $k$ is a fixed commutative ring, and let $\mathsf{dgCat}_k$ denote the category of $k$-linear dg-categories. We will equip $\mathsf{dgCat}_k$ with the Morita model structure (see theorem 2.27 ...
Stahl's user avatar
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Homotopy Kan extensions, formally coherent functors and derived Schlessinger criterion

Let $k$ be a finite field. Denote by $discArt_k$ the category of Artinian rings with residue field $k$ and $Art_k$ the category of Artinian simplicial rings. Consider a functor $\mathcal{F}:disArt_k\...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Structure sheaf of derived intersection

Everything is over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$. Let $X$ and $Y$ two closed dg subschemes over a dg scheme $Z$. I am trying to understand the structure sheaf of the derived intersection of $X$ ...
Federico Barbacovi's user avatar
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Do dg schemes have derived points?

Working over a base field $k$ of characteristic $0$, say $K$ is a field (over $k$) and $X$ is a ("nice" if necessary) dg scheme in the sense of Toen-Vezzosi and others, and say $X^0$ is the reduced ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar