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Why does passage to DG categories cure non-locality of derived categories?

In the famous book 'Residues and duality', the author notes that one of the principal difficulties in constructing the exceptional inverse image functor $f^{!}$ is that the derived category of ...
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Is there a notion of injective, projective, flat, dimension for a differential graded algebra?

Given a differential graded algebra $(A_\bullet,d)$, is there a well-defined notion of a K-injective, K-projective, K-flat dimension of a differential graded module, or even of the category of ...
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When is $C\text-\mathsf{dg\text-mod}$ determined by the connective base changes?

I'm using cohomological gradings. For $C\in k\text-\mathsf{cdga}$ (where $k$ can be taken of characteristic 0), a morphism $C\to A$ to a connective dg-algebra $A\in k\text-\mathsf{cdga}_{\leq0}$ ...
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