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Reference request: Automorphisms of $\mathbb C\{x,y\}$ which preserve the equation of the cusp, $x^3 - y^2$

In my research I encountered automorphisms of the ring of convergent power series $$\varphi: \mathbb C\{x,y\} \to \mathbb C\{x,y\},$$ which preserve $f = x^3 - y^2$, i.e. $\varphi(f) = f$. I'm ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Converse of transfer theorem : does asymptotic behaviour of coefficients describe the singularity?

I'm interested in Singularity Analysis after reading this Math.Stack post. In the "Analytic Combinatorics" book by P. Flajolet and R. Sedgewick, at p.390, the following transfer theorem (...
Desura's user avatar
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Holomorphic vector fields with a non-degenerate isolated zero

Let $v$ be a holomorphic vector field defined in a neighbourhood of $0$ on $\mathbb C^n$ with an isolated zero at $0$. Let $\sum_{i,j}{a_{ij}}z_i\frac{\partial}{\partial z_j}$ be the linear term of $...
aglearner's user avatar
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Implicit Function Theorem on Singular Varieties

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two complex reduced affine algebraic or analytic varieties, possibly singular. Take a regular proper function $$f\colon X \to Y $$ and assume that it is bijective at the level of $...
Giulio's user avatar
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Brieskorn's proof of a theorem by Milnor about the Milnor number

I am looking for a reference or short explanation of a proof by E. Brieskorn. In his famous work "Singularities of complex hypersurfaces" Milnor proves that the (nowadays called) Milnor Number (in ...
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