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3 votes
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About Shor's quantum algorithm

I know very little about quantum computing, and I've been trying to understand Shor's algorithm for the factorization of an integer $N$. I'm following Computational Complexity — a modern approach by ...
4 votes
1 answer

String compression algorithms for simplifying an expression by introducing variables

I have a very long algebraic expression computed with Maple, and when I inspect it visually, it is clear that it consists of a set of terms that appear over and over again. For purposes of human ...
12 votes
2 answers

Ideal Membership without Certificate?

I have a homogeneous ideal $I=\langle f_1,\ldots,f_r\rangle$ of the polynomial ring $\mathbb C[X_1,\ldots,X_n]=:R$ where each of the $f_i$ is actually over $\mathbb Z$. My computations are usually ...
1 vote
0 answers

Testing functional equivalence

We are looking for the most efficient (most recent, or best) techniques to check if two algebraic expressions (elementary, Calculus-type functions) are equivalent (or if an expression is equivalent to ...