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complexity of membership problem in finite general linear group

Suppose $G$ is a subgroup of $GL(n,q)$ given by a list of generators. What is known about the complexity of the corresponding "membership problem", that is, the problem of deciding whether a ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Classes of groups with polynomial time isomorphism problem

It is known that the isomorphism problem for finitely presented groups is in general undecidable. What are some classes of groups whose isomorphism problem is known to be solvable in polynomial time? (...
Mithrandir's user avatar
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Is there any lower bound for basis computation in finite Abelian groups?

Victor Shoup in this paper has given a lower bound for discrete logarithm. The algorithms that I have come across use discrete logarithms (extended discrete logarithms) to compute a basis for a finite ...
Vasac's user avatar
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Are there any computational problems in groups that are harder than P?

There are several well known classes of groups for which the word problem, conjugacy etc. are solvable in polynomial time (hyperbolic, automatic). Then there are several classes of groups like ...
MSL's user avatar
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Computing a transversal of a subgroup $H$ of $G$ in expected $O(|G : H|^2 \log |G : H| + |H|)$ time

I have the book "Handbook of Computational Group Theory", by Derek Holt, and in it is a section on finding the transversal of a subgroup. Recall a transversal of a subgroup $H$ of $G$ is a single ...
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