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What is the flaw in Cooper's argument?

Lately I have been studying in the subject of degree theory, specifically definability results related to $\mathcal{D}$. A famous conjecture in the field due to Slaman and Woodin is that the only ...
H.C Manu's user avatar
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Turing degrees of sets separating two computably inseparable sets (theorems and antitheorems)

Let $A\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ be the set of Gödel codes of theorems of Peano arithmetic, and $B\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ be the set of codes of antitheorems (i.e, refutable statements, statements whose ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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What are all the order types of maximal chains of $\Delta^0_2$ sets?

A set of natural numbers is $\Delta^0_2$ if it’s computable from the halting set. Consider the quasi-order/pre-order of all $\Delta_0^2$ sets ordered by $m$-reduction, or equivalently consider the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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$\Pi^0_2$ singleton forming minimal pair with $0''$

Is there a $\Pi^0_2$ singleton that forms a minimal pair with $0''$? That is, is there a set $X$ such that $X$ is the unique solution to $\forall x \exists y \phi(X|_y, x)$, $X$ and $0''$ are ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Double Posner-Robinson Join (or a cupping analog of minimal pair)

Are there incompatible degrees $D_0, D_1 <_T 0'$ such that for all $X$ if $D_0 \oplus X \equiv_T D_1 \oplus X \equiv_T 0'$ then $X \equiv_T 0'$? So kinda like a cupping analog of a minimal pair. ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Double Hop Inversion Theorem

The hop $H_e$ is defined by $H_e(X) = X \oplus W_e^{X}$. A 2-REA operator (or double hop) $J_{\langle e,i\rangle}$ is defined by $J_{\langle e,i\rangle}(X) = H_e(H_i(X))$ By a famous result from ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Are the $\omega$-generic arithmetic degrees downward closed

A degree is $\alpha$-generic if it has representative that is $\alpha$-generic. Are the $\omega$-generic arithmetic degrees (i.e. the degree structure induced by arithmetic reproducibility) downward ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Does every arithmetic degree below $0^\omega$ have a representative computable in $0^\omega$?

Suppose that $A \leq_a 0^\omega$ (i.e. $A$ is arithmetic in $0^\omega$) does there exist $\widehat{A} \equiv_a A$ with $\widehat{A} \leq_T 0^\omega$ [1]? More generally, say that a set $X$ is aT-...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Incompatible degrees $a,b$ s.t. $x < a$ implies $x \leq b$

Are there incompatible Turing degrees $a,b$ s.t any degree computable in $a$ either computes $a$ or is computed by $b$? Obviously, if $a$ was above $b$ then $a$ would be a strong minimal cover of $b$. ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Is Turing degree actually useful in real life? [closed]

In theoretical computer science, we classify problems according to their Turing degree. Is there any practical application of this? Edit: Given that we cannot explicitly and mechanically understand ...