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Motives with compact support, Chow groups and proper pushforward maps

In Motivic cohomology of smooth geometrically cellular varieties (1999), Corollary 3.5, Bruno Kahn proves the following statement. Consider a cellular variety $X$ (i.e. it admits a filtration by ...
3 votes
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Descent and Chow groups

One of the features of the $\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy theory is the existence of the motivic Eilenberg-MacLane space $K(\mathbb{Z}(n),2n)$ such that for $k$-schemes $X$, we have $$[X,K(\mathbb{Z}(n),2n)]\...
5 votes
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Fulton's pullback vs. Pullback via Gersten complexes vs. Pullback coming from motivic homotopy SH(k)

Let $f: X \rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of smooth projective $k$-schemes (let's assume $f$ flat or even smooth). There is pullback in Fulton's style $f^*_{Ful}: CH^p(Y) \rightarrow CH^p(X)$ given by $[...
4 votes
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Motivic Interpretation of Rationally Trivial Cycles

The Chow groups are defined by taking groups of cycles modulo rationally trivial cycles. One then has a cycle class map to etale cohomology (over the base field), and for a number field, one expects ...