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8 votes
4 answers

Computational algebra: where?

I'm on my last semester of a math B.Sc. and about to start studying for a math M.Sc in the same institute. It now seems like a good time to start thinking of a PhD. I'm interested in both algebra and ...
13 votes
3 answers

Is computer algebra or symbolic computation an active area of research?

I'm interested in doing PhD in computer algebra or symbolic computation, and was wondering if this is an active area of research? Would this area of research also help me in the transition to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Computational Algebra and Symbolic Computation - Where? [closed]

Following the line of this question, I'm in my last year of M.Sc., and I'm looking for a place where I can start my PHD. Since that question has been asked 4 years ago, I thought it may be wise to ask ...