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Is a flop on Calabi-Yau threefolds always Atiyah flop?

Is it true that any flop on a Calabi-Yau threefold is given by the Atiyah flop? That is, there always exists a rigid rational curve $\mathbb{P}^1$ with normal bundle $\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-1)^{\...
Kim's user avatar
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Does existance of crepant resolution of tangent space imply existance of crepant resolution globally in the algebraic setting?

Suppose $X$ is smooth proper algebraic $\mathbb C$-variety with algebraic action of a finite abelian group $G$. Suppose I know that $X/G$ (good geometric quotient) exists and it is normal Gorenstein ...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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When do crepant resolutions of quotients of Calabi-Yau varieties exist?

Suppose I have a Gorenstein variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ with trivial canonical bundle, and the action of a finite group $G$ on $X$, which acts trivially on the canonical bundle. Question. When does ...
Josh Lam's user avatar