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Shouldn't we expect analytic (in the Berkovich sense) étale cohomology of a number field to be the cohomology of the Artin–Verdier site?

Let $K$ be a number field. Consider $X=\mathcal{M}(\mathcal O_K)$ the global Berkovich analytic space associated to $\mathcal O_K$ endowed with the norm $\|\cdot\|=\max\limits_{\sigma:K \...
Lukas Heger's user avatar
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Is there any relation between Berkovich spaces over $\Bbb Z$ and Arakelov theory?

As I understand it, both Arakelov geometry and Berkovich geometry over $\Bbb Z$ (or $\mathcal O_K$) consider geometric objects that contain in some sense information about both archimdean and ...
Lukas Heger's user avatar