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Is the homotopy of a primitively generated Hopf algebra still primitively generated?

Let $A=\oplus A_n$ be a primitively generated graded Hopf algebra, where each $A_n$ is a simplicial group. This allows us to define the homotopy group $\pi_*(A)$. Question: is the graded Hopf algebra ...
Gao 2Man's user avatar
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Homomorphism between the set of n-flats in $R^m$ to some manifold

I am unaware of what the formal definition of "limit" is for a sequence of flats, but for the purpose of this question her is the definition of limit that I am using: Consider a sequence $s_1, s_2, ...
yrudoy's user avatar
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n-reduced Eilenberg subcomplex

It is somewhat of a standard construction, that, given a simplicial set K, we can form $E_n K$, by choosing a basepoint, and picking all simplices that map their $(n-1)$-skeleton to the basepoint. If ...
del's user avatar
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Does there exists a (possibly homological) characterization of the Jordan curve property in all dimensions?

More precisely, let $M$ be a subspace $\mathbb R^n$ with the following properties: $M$ is a topological manifold of dimension $n-1$. M is compact. Does there exist a homological characterization of ...
Akela's user avatar
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Which local homeos to numerical space are bijective?

I am reading T. Szamuely's book on Galois groups and fundamental groups. As preparation to the algebraic case, he recalls the topological case. So I am wondering if a surjective local homeomorphism $f$...
user3575's user avatar
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Subresultants of primitive polynomials

Given two primitive polynomials $f,g\in D[x]$ over some domain $D$, is there anything we can say about the primitiveness of their $i$-th subresultant polynomials $Sres_i(f,g)$? I.e. is there a simple ...
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