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2 answers

Equivariant classifying spaces from classifying spaces

Given compact Lie groups $G$ and $\Pi$, there is a notion of "$G$-equivariant principal $\Pi$-bundle", and a corresponding notion of classifying space, often denoted $B_G\Pi$, so that $G$-equivariant ...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
  • 27.2k
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Can the set of iso classes of G-equivariant H-bundles be given by ordinary homotopy classes of non-equivariant maps?

Let $G$ be a (nice enough) topological group (actually a filtered colimit of compact Lie groups), and let $X$ be a manifold with an action (a proper one in fact) by a Lie group $H$. Let $X//H := (X\...
David Roberts's user avatar
  • 35.5k