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Why the sphere spectrum is more correct than $\mathbb{Z}$?

One may argue that $\mathbb{S}$ is more correct than $\mathbb{Z}$. Can anyone make it more explicitly? For example, what information will be lost if we work in $\mathbb{Z}$ instead of $\mathbb{S}$? ...
XT Chen's user avatar
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Homotopy groups of $K(n)$-localization of the Brown-Peterson spectrum

We fix $p$ prime and $n$ a natural number. We let $K(n)$ be the $2(p^{n}-1)$-periodic Morava $K$-theory, i.e. $K(n)_*=\mathbb{F}_p[v_n^{\pm 1}]$ with $|v_n|=2(p^n-1)$. I distinctly recall that we ...
N.B.'s user avatar
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Fields in Stable Homotopy Theory

It is known that the only "fields" in stable homotopy theory, after localizing at a prime $p$, are Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra for fields and the Morava K-theories (this is true in a few senses: these ...
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