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2 answers

Are the real and complex Adams operations compatible under the inclusions $U(n) \rightarrow SO(2n)$?

Does the following diagram commute? $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} BU @>{\psi^k}>> BU \\ @VVV @VVV \\ BO @>{\psi^k}>> BO \end{CD} $$ Evidence for: $rc = 2$, it works for $BU(1) \...
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How to write K-theory Conner-Floyd Chern classes in terms of Adams operations?

From Adams, we know that the algebra of (unstable, degree-zero) cohomology operations $K^0(BU)$ can be written as formal infinite linear combinations of canonical generators $$\mu_n := \sum_{i=0}^{n}...
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