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"Cluster algebra" structure for finite distributive lattices

Let $P$ be an $n$-element poset and $J(P)$ the distributive lattice of its order ideals (i.e., the downwards-closed sets). For each $I\in J(P)$ let $x_I \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ be the indicator function ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Do Frobenius algebras have a lattice basis and what lattices do appear?

Let $K$ be for simplicity be the field with two or three elements (or alternatively we could restrict to ideals containing only the field elements $-1$ or $1$ as coefficients). A (commutative) ...
Mare's user avatar
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General and translational Birkhoff lattices. Equational classes

By  lattice  I'll mean  Birkhoff lattice. The two classical equational classes of lattices are modular lattices and distributive lattices. The old problem used to be: Is there an equational class ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar