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5 votes
1 answer

Are module finite algebras over semiperfect rings again semiperfect?

Let $S$ be a Noetherian semiperfect ring ( Let $R$ be a module finite associative $S$-algebra. Then, is $R$ also a semiperfect ring? (Clearly, $R$ is ...
6 votes
1 answer

Ring in which $x^n-x$ is central for every $x$

Let $R$ be a ring , $n \gt 1$, such that for all $x \in R$: $x^n-x \in Z(R)$, the center of $R$. Does it follow that $R$ is commutative? For $n=2,3$ this is pretty straightforward to prove. But what ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do you know a finite unitary reversible ring that is not isomorphic to its opposite? And the minimal with that property?

Do you know a finite unitary reversible ring that is not isomorphic to its opposite? And the minimal with that property? The examples of rings not isomorphic to their opposite that I know of are not ...
0 votes
1 answer

Given a unitary commutative ring $R$, what are the rings $R\langle x,y\rangle/(x^2-A,y^2-B,yx-a-bx-cy-dxy)$ called

We are studying the rings $$ R \langle x, \, y \rangle\,\big/\left(x^2-A, \, y^2-B, \, yx-a-bx-cy-dxy \right) $$ Do you know if they have a name?
6 votes
1 answer

Do you know which is the minimal local ring that is not isomorphic to its opposite?

The most popular examples are non-local rings and minimal has 16 elements. I am interested in knowing examples of local rings not isomorphic to their opposite.