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Which dg-algebras have minimal model which is $A_{fin}$?

$A_{fin}$ algebra it is $A_\infty$ algebra with $m_n = 0$ for $n >> 0$ and $A^i = 0$ for $|i| >> 0$. Suppose that we have (compact) dg-algebra $A$, we can build $A_\infty$ minimal model ...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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Construction of derived Quot schemes

I am studying the construction of derived Quot schemes in the paper Borisov, Katzarkov, and Sheshmani - “Shifted symplectic structures on derived Quot-stacks”. Derived quot stacks are constructed from ...
Walter field's user avatar
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Explicit description of periodic map $S : HC_{i} \to HC_{i-2}$ for dg and $A_\infty$ algebras

Let $A$ some associative unital $k$-algebra, let $HC_*(A)$ is cyclic homology of $A$ and $HH_*(A)$ is hochschild homology of $A$. Then we have Connes exact sequence: $$ ... \xrightarrow[]{} HH_n(A) \...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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(co)chain homotopy of dg algebras ($A_{\infty}$ algebras) and other notion of homotopy

In this question I will work over a field of char. $0$. Let $f,g\: : \: A\to B$ be dg algebras morphism between two cochain (commutative) dg algebras $A,B$ (assume positively graded). Let $h$ be a ...
Cepu's user avatar
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Construct $A_\infty$ bimodules maps from dg-maps

Let $ A $ be a dg-algebra. Let $U,V,W$ and $Z$ be dg-bimodules over $A$-$A$. Suppose I have cofibrant replacements $\pi_U : Up \rightarrow U$ (as right dg-module) and $\pi_W : pW \rightarrow W$ (as ...
G. Naisse's user avatar