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If a monad in a 2-category admits a terminal resolution, does it admit an Eilenberg–Moore object?

Let $T = (t, \mu, \eta)$ be a monad on an object $A$ of a 2-category $\mathcal K$. In The formal theory of monads, Street proves (Theorem 3) that if $l \dashv r$ is the canonical adjunction associated ...
varkor's user avatar
  • 10.7k
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Is there a bicategorical Yoneda lemma for marked lax transformations?

The bicategorical Yoneda lemma (see [Johnson–Yau, Chapter 8]) states that, given a bicategory $\mathcal{C}$ and a pseudopresheaf $\mathcal{F}\colon\mathcal{C}^{\mathsf{op}}\to\mathsf{Cats}_{\mathsf{2}}...
Emily's user avatar
  • 11.8k
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Yoneda Lemma for internal presheaves

I'm looking for a reference explaining under what conditions the internal Yoneda lemma holds; in particular, I am wondering if it is known what properties of the ($2$-)category of categories are ...
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