In the definition of moment-angle manifold in Davis-Januszkiewicz's 1991 paper, the orbit space is a simple convex polytope $P$ which is contractible. We can replace $P$ by an arbitrary smooth nice manifold with corners $Q$ and define the generalized moment-angle manifold $\mathcal{Z}_Q$ in the similar way as usual moment-angle manifold (see Let $F_1,\cdots,F_m$ be all the facets of $Q$ and $\lambda: \{ F_1,\cdots,F_m \} \rightarrow
\mathbb{Z}^m$ be a map such that $\{\lambda(F_1),\cdots,\lambda(F_m)\}$ is a unimodular basis of $\mathbb{Z}^m\subset \mathbb{R}^m=T_e(S^1)^m$.
\mathcal{Z}_{Q} = Q\times (S^1)^m / \sim
where $(x,g) \sim (x',g')$ if and only if $x=x'$ and $g^{-1}g' \in \mathbb{T}^{\lambda}_x$
where $\mathbb{T}^{\lambda}_x$ is the subtorus of $(S^1)^m$ determined by
the linear subspace of $\mathbb{R}^m$ spanned by the set $\{ \lambda(F_j) \, |\, x\in F_j \}$.
The free quotient of $\mathcal{Z}_Q$ under the action of some subtorus in $(S^1)^m$ of rank $m-n$ gives analogues of toric manifolds in this setting (where $n$ is the dimension of $Q$). Such a space can also be defined from a (non-degenerate) characteristic function on the facets of $Q$. The equivariant cohomology ring of $\mathcal{Z}_Q$ with $\mathbf{k}$-coefficients is isomorphic to a ring $\mathbf{k}\langle Q\rangle$ (called the topology face ring of $Q$) that is determined not only by the face poset of $Q$ but also by the $\mathbf{k}$-cohomology rings of all the faces of $Q$. The definition of topology face ring is a direct generalization of the face ring of a simple convex polytope.
Furthermore, we can replace $Q$ by an arbitrary finite CW-complex $X$ with a panel structure $\mathcal{P}$ and define moment-angle complex $(D^2,S^1)^{(X,\mathcal{P})}$ and do the similar calculations for its cohomology and equivariant cohomology (see The definition of panel structure
is due to M. Davis's 1983 paper "Groups generated by reflections and aspherical manifolds not covered by
Euclidean space" in Ann. of Math.
Roughly speaking, a panel structure on $X$ defines "abstract faces" on $X$ which allows us to do the similar construction as $\mathcal{Z}_Q$. But it is more convenient to think of
$(D^2,S^1)^{(X,\mathcal{P})}$ as the colimit of a diagram of CW-complexes of the form
$ f\times \underset{j\in I_f}{\prod} D^2_{(j)} \times
\underset{j\in [m]\backslash I_f}{\prod} S^1_{(j)}$ where $f$ ranges over all
the "abstract faces" of $(X,\mathcal{P})$ and $I_f$ denotes all indices of the panels that contain $f$. Note that "panels" plays the role of facets here.
In general, $(D^2,S^1)^{(X,\mathcal{P})}$ may not be a manifold. The free quotient of $(D^2,S^1)^{(X,\mathcal{P})}$ under some torus action can also be considered as a far-reaching generalization of manifolds with locally standard torus actions. In addition, the topology face ring of the panel structure $(X,\mathcal{P})$ also makes perfect sense, which is isomorphic to the equivariant cohomology ring of $(D^2,S^1)^{(X,\mathcal{P})}$.
In particular, when $X$ is the cone of the barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex $K$ (with a canonical panel structure $\mathcal{P}_K$), the topological face ring of $(X,\mathcal{P}_K)$ is nothing but the face ring (Stanley-Reisner ring) of $K$ (see Section 5 of that paper).