Let $G = (V, E)$ be a simple, undirected graph. We consider the following two definitions of graph connectedness:
(1) $G$ is connected if for $x,y \in V$ there is a finite path connecting $x$ and $y$.
(2) If $A \subseteq V$ such that $A \neq \emptyset$ and $A \neq V$ there is $e\in E$ such that $e \cap A \neq \emptyset$ and $e \cap (V\setminus A) \neq \emptyset$.
It is not hard to see that for finite graphs, (1) and (2) are equivalent, and that (1) implies (2) in the general case.
Is there an infinite graph that is connected with in the sense of definition (2), but not in the sense of definition (1)?