For Noetherian schemes this follows from Serre's criterion for affineness by a filtration argument.
1 Answer
No, if X is any algebraic space such that X_red is an affine scheme, then X is an affine scheme. This follows from Chevalley's theorem. For X noetherian scheme/alg. space this theorem is in EGA/Knutson. As you noted, this can also be showed using Serre's criterion for affineness or by an even simpler argument (see EGA I 5.1.9, first edition).
For X non-noetherian, the following general version of Chevalley's theorem is proved in my paper "Noetherian approximation of algebraic spaces and stacks" (arXiv:0904.0227):
Theorem: Let W->X be an integral and surjective morphism of algebraic spaces. If W is an affine scheme, then so is X.
Recall that any finite morphism is integral, in particular X_red -> X. As a corollary, it follows that under the same assumptions, if W is a scheme then so is X.
1$\begingroup$ Note that for schemes this is already in Conrad's Deligne's notes on Nagata compactification, Corollary A.2, which you cite in your paper. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 4:49