This is probably a stupid question, so I apologize in advance.
On p. 239 of Hatcher's book, he defines the cap product $C_k(X;R)\times C^l(X;R)\to C_{k-l}(X;R)$ for $k\geq l$, which he claims is $R$-bilinear, by the formula: $$ \sigma\frown\phi=\phi(\sigma([v_0\dots v_l])\sigma([v_l\dots v_k]). $$ I can see that this is $R$-linear on the cochains, but why does $$ (\sigma_1+\sigma_2)\frown \phi=\sigma_1\frown \phi+\sigma_2\frown \phi? $$
Is he $\textit{declaring}$ that it should be bilinear by using the last equation to extend the definition to all of $C_k(X;R)$?
Thank you.