Jacob's book titled "Categorical Logic and Type Theory" gives a nice description of Π and Σ types as adjunctions to substitution functors induced by display maps. Is there a similar categorical description of W-types (and maybe M-types while we are at it)?
2 Answers
The categorical semantics of W-types, as initial algebras, have been studied in the following paper of Moerdijk and Palmgren: "Wellfounded trees in categories", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104(2000), 189 - 218.
2$\begingroup$ And for M-types (as terminal coalgebras) there is the dual paper "Non-well-founded trees in categories" by van den Berg and de Marchi, APAL 146 (2007) 40–59. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:37
Also, this may be helpfull — http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/polynomial+functor http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/W-type