Let $n>15$ and $A=A_n$ be the alternating group of degree $n$ on the set $\{1,\dots,n\}$. For any subset $X$ of $\{1,\dots,n\}$, $Stab_A(X)$ denote as usual the set of all permutations $\sigma$ of $A$ such that $x^\sigma=x$ for all $x\in X$ (the usual stablizer of $X$ in $A$ under the usual action of $A$ on $\{1,\dots,n\}$.
Is the following set has the size greater that $n!/4$?
$$\bigcup Stab_A(X) \times Stab_A(Y),$$ where the pair $(X,Y)$ runs over all pair of subsets $X$ and $Y$ of $\{1,\dots,n\}$ such that $X \cap Y=\varnothing$, $X\cup Y={1,\dots,n}$ and $|X|\leq n-4$ and $|Y|\leq n-4$.