I am looking into interesting subsets of permutations, and there are several classes of permutations which are named. For example, there are
- Derangements,
- Alternating,
- Grassmann permutations (at most one descent),
- Bi-Grassmannian, wher both $\sigma$ an $\sigma^{-1}$ are Grassmann
- Vexillary permutations (avoids 2143),
- Richardson permutations,
- Wachs permutations, (has anyone actually counted these?!)
- The even permutations, $A_n$.
- Flattened permutations (obtained from some set partition by removing the 'bars')
I am sure there are many more subsets of permutations with special names, and I would like to get some references for these (I plan to list them at my web-site www.symmetricfunctions.com ).