More accurately, the question should be: Is it known that $S^6,$ the 6-dimensional sphere, is $not$ a (proper) complex algebraic variety, or algebraic space? And is there a reference? It's easy to see that it cannot be projective (as $H^2=0$), but I don't see how it can violate the usual general properties of algebraic varieties [e.g. by Chow's lemma one can get a projective (and smooth, by resolution of singularities) variety lying over and birational to it, but the cohomology groups can get larger when we go up...]. Maybe one needs some theory of classification of 3-folds (if there is one such theory).
Knowing that it cannot be algebraic will somehow make the analogous question of complex structure much sharper (by the way, it does have an almost complex structure).
Thank you.