Is there a quick formula to find the ratios; $\displaystyle\frac{r(k)}{rtotal}$ for $k=1 \dots n$ without calculating the numerator and the denominator where;
$\displaystyle r(k) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} {{n^2 \choose (k-1)*n+i}}$ and $\displaystyle rtotal = \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n} {r(k)}$.
I know the denominator $\displaystyle rtotal={n^2 \choose 0} + {n^2 \choose 1} + \dots + {n^2 \choose n^2} = 2^{n^2}$
If I can find a formula for each numerator;
$\displaystyle r(1)={n^2 \choose 1} + \dots + {n^2 \choose n} = ?$
$\displaystyle r(2)={n^2 \choose n+1} + \dots + {n^2 \choose 2n} = ?$
$\displaystyle r(n)={n^2 \choose (n-1)*n+1} + \dots + {n^2 \choose n^2} = ?$
then some cancelling would be possible yielding to easier calculations. I need the ratios for $1 < n < 100$ but for $n>40$, $rtotal$ gets huge in my program.