There is a trend, for some people, to study representations of quivers. The setting of the problem is undoubtedly natural, but representations of quivers are present in the literature for already >40 years.
Are there any connections of this trend with other Maths? For, it seems like it is a self-contained topic and basically I wonder why people study quivers so much -- in a sense everything becomes clear after the initial results of Gabriel and the old result of Yuri Drozd about wild/tame dichotomy, and these things ought to become boring.
BTW, about the dichotomy theorem -- is it really necessary to study so hard whether a given problem is of tame or wild (representation) type? In particular, why some people try to lift tame/wild things to curves and surfaces -- would that really yield something interesting in geometry?
(I am currently attending lectures about these things and unfortunately we were not told a single word about motivation, and when I tried to learn from the lecturer if this is really "top" Maths as he claims, he basically replied "this is important because I am doing this")