I have the following minimum problem:
$$\tag{1} \min_{u\in W^{1,1}(0,B)} \int_0^B (\sqrt{1+|u^\prime (t)|^2} -a)\ u^{k-1} (t) t^{h-1}\ \text{d} t $$
(where $B>0$, $0 < a < 1$, $h,k\in \mathbb{N}$ and $k>2$) under constraints:
$$\int_0^B u^k (t) t^{h-1}\ \text{d}t =\text{some constant},\ u(B)=0,\ u(0)>0,\ u(t)\geq 0.$$
With a great deal of effort I found the function $w:(0,B)\to [0,\infty[$:
$$ w(t) := \sqrt{ \frac{B^2}{ 1 - a^2 } - t^2} - \frac{a B}{\sqrt{1 - a^2}} $$
as a solution for the Euler-Lagrange equation of the constrained problem, which seems to be:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d} t} \Big[ \frac{u^\prime}{\sqrt{1+|u^\prime|^2}}\ u^{k-1} t^{h-1} \Big] &- (k-1) (\sqrt{1+|u^\prime |^2} - a) u^{k-2} t^{h-1} \\ &+\lambda\ k u^{k-1} t^{h-1} = 0 \end{split} \end{equation}$$
where dependence of $u,u^\prime$ on $t$ is omitted and $\lambda$ is a Lagrange multiplier (in particular, $\lambda = -(h+k-1) \sqrt{1-a^2} / (kB)$ is the multiplier working for $w(t)$).
But... As far as I can see, the integrand $F(t,u,p) := (\sqrt{1+p^2} - a)\ u^{k-1} t^{h-1} +\lambda u^k t^{h-1}$ lacks convexity in $(u,p)$, hence I cannot tell whether or not $w(t)$ is actually a minimizer. And, actually, I don't even know if $W^{1,1}$ is the "best" Sobolev space for this kind of problem.
Any hint or advice?
(My first post here; try to forgive all the flaws, I'm just a newbye ;-D)
Problem (1) comes from a geometric inequality for cylindrical-type sets, which gives a lower bound for the difference of perimeter and a particular weighted measure of these sets (when their measure is fixed). Actually, standard isoperimetric inequality can be used to prove that (1) has a positive infimum $\gamma (a)$; hence I was trying to evaluate it.
I succeeded in doing all the computations in the case $u$ is smooth enough (and I even got the equality case), but then again I was wondering: what if I take a bigger function space?
And, then again, what if I consider the problem for $B=\infty$?