Let ${\cal P}(\mathbb{F}_q^n)$ be the set of all subspaces of the vector space $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ (where $q$ is a prime power).
Fix a $Z \in {\cal P}(\mathbb{F}_q^n)$. Define a relation ~ on ${\cal P}(\mathbb{F}_q^n)$ as follows:
$A$ ~ $B$ iff $A+Z = B+Z$
It is easy to show that this is an equivalence relation. This means ${\cal P}(\mathbb{F}_q^n)$ is partitioned into equivalence classes.
My questions are:
1) What is the number of equivalence classes? If not an exact value, do we have a decent bound?
2) What can one say about the cardinality of an equivalence class? (Personally, I feel this question is hopeless!)
Thank you