Your notation is somewhat confusing, in that you apply the subscript $i$ to $w$, and have a vector $w_{i}$, but don't use $i$ in any meaningful way in your problem. I'm going to take the liberty of rewriting the problem as
$\min_{w} \| P-X \mbox{diag}(w) Y^{T} \|_{F} $.
You may have a whole bunch of these problems to solve as $i$ varies over some index set, but each can be solved separately.
This is a linear least squares problem in disguise.
The key to seeing this is to recognize that the Frobenius norm of a matrix $Z$ is the two norm of the vector $\mbox{vec}(Z)$ obtained from the matrix $Z$ by stacking the columns of $Z$ one on top of another.
Also note that
$X \mbox{diag}(w) Y^{T}=\sum_{j=1}^{k} w_{j} X_{j}Y_{j}^{T}$
where $X_{j}$ is the $j$th column of $X$, and $Y_{j}$ is the $j$th column of $Y$.
Now, your problem can be written as
$\min_{w} \| P- \sum_{j=1}^{k} w_{j} X_{j}Y_{j}^{T} \|_{F}$.
Let $H_{j}=X_{j}Y_{j}^{T}$, for $j=1, 2, \ldots, k$. We now have
$\min_{w} \| P - \sum_{j=1}^{k} w_{j} H_{j} \|_{F}. $
Transforming this into vector form, this becomes
$\min_{w} \| \mbox{vec}(P) - \sum_{j=1}^{k} w_{j} \mbox{vec}(H_{j}) \|_{2}$.
Let $A$ be the matrix whose columns are given by
Then the optimization problem can be written as
$\min_{w} \| \mbox{vec}(P) - Aw \|_{2} $.
which is a conventional linear least squares problem.