The du Val singularities are the simplest type of surface singularities. Each type of du Val singularity has a divisor class group. Specifically, let $X$ be a surface with an isolated singularity at $P$; then the (analytic or étale) local ring at P depends only on the type of the singularity, and has a divisor class group.
The most familiar example is the quadric cone (A1 singularity), found in many algebraic geometry textbooks. A line $L$ passing though the vertex of the cone is not locally principal, but $2L$ is, and we find that the divisor class group has order $2$. (Note: in general an A1 singularity will be étale locally, but not Zariski locally, isomorphic to the vertex of the cone. As far as I can see, there's no reason in general to expect the generator of the divisor class group to come from a divisor on the ambient surface; we may well have to pass to an étale (or analytic) neighbourhood.)
In a beautiful article, Lipman (Pub. Math. IHES 1969) studied these and computed the (finite) divisor class group of each du Val singularity. However, as far as I can see, he does not give explicit generators like we have in the example of the quadric cone.
Is there in the literature an explicit description (i.e. with explicit generators) of the divisor class groups of the du Val singularities?