I have a question about Wynn's epsilon algorithm for extrapolation of sequences. Say I have a list of N sequences, with each sequence being of length M. The goal is to evaluate the extrapolated value --- S[i], i = {1, 2, ... N} --- for each of the N sequences, which should give the dependence S[i] as a function of i.
The concern is this: the Wynn extrapolation on each sequence, after say k iterations (with k < M), gives us M - k extrapolated values and it is not clear which of these M - k values one should choose as the final S[i]. It may so happen that for the sequence i, it is the j -th value (j <= M - k) that converges whereas for the sequence i' it is the j'-th value, with j' != j. By "converges", I mean the result S[i] must be a smooth curve between i and i' without sharp awkward jumps. My question is: is there any theorem for this extrapolation technique which states that if it is the j-th value that converges for a given sequence, it must only be the j-th value that also converges for a closely related (in terms of arising from a given unknown function) sequence?
Note that it is neither always helpful nor possible to always choose k such that k = M - 1 because only every even-numbered iteration gives a converged list of M - k values.
Thanks, VKV