I was asking myself if there exists a sort of canonical relation between the standard contact structure on $J^1 N$ and $J^1 M$, for an arbitrary submanifold $N$ of $M$.
My starting point is that, constructing the spaces of $k$-jets and their structures of smooth manifolds, it is remarked that, for any smooth manifold $P$:
while, mapping $\phi\in C^\infty(M,N)$ to $J^k(P,\phi):J^k(P,M)\to J^k(P,N),\ j^k_x f\mapsto j_x^k (\phi\circ f)$, it is possible to define the covariant endofunctor $J^k(P,\cdot)$ of the category of smooth manifolds and maps,
instead, it is possible only to define a contravariant functor $J^k(P,\cdot)$ from the category of diffeomorfisms to the category of smooth maps, by mapping $\phi\in\mathrm{Diffeo}(M,N)$ to $J^k(P,\phi):J^k(P,N)\to J^k(P,M),\ j^k_x f\mapsto j^k_{\phi^{-1}(x)} (f\circ\phi)$.
So it seems to me that this is not the way to relate the $1$-jets space of a manifold $M$ and that of one of its submanifold $N$.
But I imagine that the entire information on $J^1 N$ is already contained in $J^1 M$, even if I do not see (up to now) how to extract it with some invariantly defined procedure
My question is:
Given a submanifold $N$ of $M$, under what conditions is there a sort of canonical relation between the standard contact structures of $J^1 N$ and $J^1 M$? and in what terms is it expressed?