Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete group, $V$ a left $\Gamma$-module. One can define the groups $H^i(\Gamma,V)$ ($i=0,1,2,\dots$) in many ways, and then prove their equivalence: as derived functors of the functor of $\Gamma$-invariants; as the homology of an explicit complex of cochains; or as the usual (Steenrod's) cohomology of the local system $\tilde V$ attached to $V$ on the classifying space $B\Gamma$ of $\Gamma$: $H^i(\Gamma,V) = H^i(B\Gamma,\tilde V)$.
Yet I know of only one definition of group cohomology with compact support. One defines $H^i_c(\Gamma,V)$ as $H^i_c(B\Gamma,\tilde V)$.
Are there other ways to define group cohomology with compact support, with no reference to the classifying space? is there in particular a definiton with an explicit complex of cochains?
Of course, any reference would be welcome.
Giving an explicit description in terms of a complex of cochains might be difficult in general, but I would be happy to have one in the following well-known, overstudied example: When $\Gamma$ is a congruence subgroup of $SL_2({\bf Z})$. In this case, one finds in the litterature something close to what I am asking: an explicit description in terms of cochains of the "parabolic cohomology group" $H^1_p(\Gamma,V)$ defined as the image of the natural map $H^1_c(\Gamma,V) \rightarrow H^1(\Gamma,V)$. One shows, under mild assumptions on $\Gamma$, that $H^1_p(\Gamma,V) = Z^1_p(\Gamma,V)/B_1(\Gamma,V)$ where $Z_1(\Gamma,V)$ is the subgroup of the group of cocycles $Z^1(\Gamma,V)=\{u:\Gamma \rightarrow V,\ u(gg')=u(g)+gu(g')\}$ that satisfy $u(p) \in (p-1) V$ for all parabolic elements $p \in \Gamma$. (cf for example Hida, inv. math. 63). Now that's only a description of the $H^1_p$, while the $H^1_c$ is (slightly) bigger. And a similar description of the $H^2_c$ would be handy as well, when computing cup-products. So is it possible to give such a description? Is it done somewhere is the litterature?