A Riemannian manifold is hyperkähler, if there are three complex structures $I,J,K$, which are all compatible with the Riemannian metric (i.e., $(v,Iw)$ defines a symplectic form and similarly for $J$ and $K$). Furthermore, we also need the complex structures to satisfy the quaternionic relations $I^2=J^2=K^2=-1$ and $IJ+JI=0=IK+KI=JK+KJ$.
I was able to find only very few examples of closed (compact without boundary) hyperkähler manifolds, basically complex tori and K3-surfaces. In higher dimensions than complex dimension 2, there are also generalized Kummer varieties of tori. Based on K3-surfaces, there are Hilbert schemes and resolutions of singularities in some moduli spaces.
I am searching for an example of a slightly more general setting: Let $X$ be a closed Riemannian manifold and $J_1,..., J_r$ be complex structures, all compatible with the Riemannian metric. Furthermore, assume that the $J_l$ to satisfy the relations $J_l^2=-1$ and $J_lJ_k+J_kJ_l=0$ for $k\neq l$.
If we take $X$ to be a vector space of dimension $2^{4a+b}c$ with $c$ odd, I know the maximal number for $r$ is $8a+2^b-1$, i.e. the maximal number is always odd. This carries over to quotients of vector spaces, i.e. for tori and quotients of tori. These examples are flat.
This yields the question: Is there a closed, non-flat manifold admitting more than three such complex structures?
If $X$ admits more than three complex structures, it also admits three such structures. Therefore every such manifold has to be a hyperkähler manifold, i.e. one of the above mentioned examples or a product of them. Are there different examples and does one of them admit more complex structures than the 3 for hyperkähler?