A referee asked me to include a reference or proof for the following classical fact. It's not hard to prove, but I'd prefer to just give a reference -- does anyone know one?
Let $X$ be a nice space (eg a smooth manifold, or more generally a CW complex). The topological Picard group $Pic(X)$ is the set of isomorphism classes of $1$-dimensional complex vector bundles on $X$. The set $Pic(X)$ is an abelian group with group operation the fiberwise tensor product, and the first Chern class map
$$c_1 : Pic(X) \longrightarrow H^2(X;\mathbb{Z})$$
is an isomorphism of abelian groups.
Now make the assumption that $H_1(X;\mathbb{Z})$ is a finite abelian group. One nice construction of elements of $Pic(X)$ is as follows. Consider $\phi \in Hom(H_1(X;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})$. Let $\tilde{X}$ be the universal cover, so $\pi_1(X)$ acts on $\tilde{X}$ and $X = \tilde{X} / \pi_1(X)$. Let $\psi : \pi_1(X) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$ be the composition of $\phi$ with the natural map $\pi_1(X) \rightarrow H_1(X;\mathbb{Z})$. Define an action of $\pi_1(X)$ on $\tilde{X} \times \mathbb{C}$ by the formula
$$g(p,z) = (g(p),e^{2 \pi i \psi(g)}z) \quad \quad \text{for $g \in \pi_1(X)$ and $(p,z) \in \tilde{X} \times \mathbb{C}$}.$$
Observe that this makes sense since $\psi(g) \in \mathbb{Q} /\mathbb{Z}$. Define $E_\phi = (\tilde{X} \times \mathbb{C}) / \pi_1(X)$. The projection onto the first factor induces a map $E_{\phi} \rightarrow X$ which is easily seen to be a complex line bundle. The line bundle $E_{\phi}$ is known as the flat line bundle on $X$ with monodromy $\phi$.
Now, the universal coefficient theorem says that we have a short exact sequence
$$0 \longrightarrow Ext(H_1(X;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H^2(X;\mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow Hom(H_2(X;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow 0.$$
Since $H_1(X;\mathbb{Z})$ is a finite abelian group, there is a natural isomorphism $\rho : Hom(H_1(X;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}) \rightarrow Ext(H_1(X;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{Z}) $. We can finally state the fact for which I am looking for a reference :
$$c_1(E_{\phi}) = \rho(\phi).$$