I've heard about this construction on the lecture about higher representation theory:
Given a Lie algebra $g$, one constructs $\mathcal A$, a category whose $K_0$ is the universal enveloping algebra of $g$. Conjecture: any $\mathcal A$-acted triangulated category $\mathcal V$ (with its $K$ locally finite) decomposes to $\oplus \mathcal V_\lambda$ with braid action; and there is bijection between $g$-representations and minimal such categories.
Is there a good — if possible, non-$sl_2$ — example of such a category $\mathcal A$, minimal categories $V_\lambda$ and braid action which explains why one would have such a construction?
Update: Found the notes of the talk that has two $sl_n$ examples, one from quivers, another from sheaves on the grassmannian, $\mathcal V :=\oplus^n_i D^b\mathop{\rm constr}/\mathop{\rm Gr}(i,n)$.
A more accessible text for either example would be welcome! Because if the best way to understand these is to "get" quantum groups, that's quite a big topic. My idea was more like "maybe this is a good place to start".