Few days ago I became excited when I learned from an answer to Examples of simple vertex operator algebras (VOAs) that
The irreducible modules of the rank $d$ free boson are naturally parametrized by points in $d$-dimensional space.
First thing that I would like to see, actually, is the details of the above. But then, VOAs are scary. I wonder if there is more concise and natural way to do it.
So, the main question is:
For a vector space $V$ over any field $k$, what is the most natural triangulated category $\mathscr T$ with $K_0(\mathscr T)$ isomorphic to $V$?
I am well aware that unless $k$ is a prime field or "something like" $\mathbb R$, one has to additionally specify some structure on $\mathscr T$ which will incorporate scalar multiplication by $k$ on $K_0(\mathscr T)$ but, well, this is part of the question.
It would be wonderful to have for $\mathscr T$ the derived category of one or other kind (like of perfect complexes over an algebra, or some bounded/unbounded derived category thereof, or the same with coherent sheaves over some scheme, etc. etc.) but I do not insist on that, any natural and "well-composed" example would be interesting, like some particular category of spectra or something like that.
There most probably are "trivial" examples although even for them I don't see it completely: I thought about modules over the product of $k$ copies of $k$; this would most probably work for finite $k$ but for infinite $k$ I think one obtains something different; while the sum of $k$ copies of $k$ does not have a unit. Maybe adjoining a unit would do it, I don't know. In short, the question is not protected from such trivial killing, and having one of the answers along these lines cannot be possibly avoided. But... well, I will wait for other answers.
I must also mention that there are several interesting examples when one can reach the "nonnegative part" of this question. Like, an answer to Categorifying the Reals via von Neumann Algebras? refers to an answer to another question where groupoid cardinalities are proposed as categorifications of positive rationals.
The oldest instance of this phenomenon that I know I learned from "Algebraic K-theory" of Bass: in § 7 of Chapter IX he investigates the category he calls $\mathbf{FP}(A)$. This is the symmetric monoidal category of faithfully projective modules over a commutative ring $A$, with the monoidal structure given by $\otimes_A$. Bass calculates $$ K_0(\mathbf{FP}(A))\cong U^+(\mathbb Q\otimes K_0(A)), $$ where $U^+$ means restricting to elements of strictly positive rank. Moreover, $$ K_1(\mathbf{FP}(A))\cong\mathbb Q\otimes K_1(A). $$ I wonder if this can be used somehow to produce good $K_0$'s that are $\mathbb Q$-vector spaces. I have vague feeling that maybe lambda-rings are relevant here but do not see anything definite about it.
Another possible source might be the fact that higher $K$-groups of algebraically closed fields are divisible. Could some forms of deloopings or versions of Bott periodicity be used to shift this to $K_0$ somehow?
But also it would be very interesting to see naturally occurring $K_0$'s that are vector spaces over finite fields.
And also $K_0$'s with natural action of $\sqrt{-1}$ too.
For $\mathbb R$, there are several interesting possibilities contained in answers to Categorifications of the real numbers, I wonder if any of those can be naturally extended to other fields.