The Quillen model structure on spaces has weak equivalences given by the weak homotopy equivalences and the fibrations are the Serre fibrations. The cofibrations are characterized by the lifting property, but in the end they are those inclusions which are built up by cell attachments (or are retracts of such things).
The Strøm model structure on spaces has weak equivalences = the homotopy equivalences and fibrations the Hurewicz fibrations. Cofibrations the closed inclusions which satisfy the homotopy extension property.
The projective model structure on non-negatively graded chain complexes over $\Bbb Z$ has fibrations given by the degreewise surjections and weak equivalences given by the quasi-isomorphisms. Cofibrations are given by the degree-wise split inclusions such that the quotient complex is degree-wise free.
From the above, it would appear to me that the projective model structure on chain complexes is analogous to the Quillen model structure on spaces.
Is there a model structure on (non-negatively graded) chain complexes over $\Bbb Z$ for which the weak equivalences are the chain homotopy equivalences?
(Extra wish: I want cofibrations in the projective model structure to be a sub-class of the cofibrations in the model structure answering the question. Conjecturally, they should be the inclusions satisfying the chain homotopy extension property.)