In algebraic topology, we define a degree for a map $f: S^n \to S^n$ as where the induced map $f_*$ on the $n$-th homology group of $S^n$ sends $1$.
In differential topology, we have a different (same?) notion of degree for $f$. You take a regular value $b \in S^n$, consider $f^{-1} (b)$ (which is finite by the inverse function theorem and some compactness argument), and take the difference between the number of points in the preimage where the Jacobian of $f$ is positive and the number of points in the preimage where the Jacobian of $f$ is negative.
Geometrically, I can see that they are the same, but I couldn't convince myself rigorously. In Prop 2.30 of Hatcher, he mentions that the degree of $f$ is the sum of the local degrees of $f$ at each preimage point, and local degrees are either $\pm 1$. (Local degree is defined in the middle of page 136 in Hatcher.)
So, the final question is, must the sign of the local degree of $x \in f^{-1}(b)$ the same as the sign of the Jacobian of $f$ at $x$?