What would be a good (as "easy" as possible) example of a Triangular (Non trivial) quasi-Hopf algebra? By trivial I mean the quasi strcture not to be trivial, but if the triangular structure is trivial it's ok (it's actally better for me)
2 Answers
Something like Drinfeld's twist of a group algebra will do the job.
You can see the following papers:
S. Majid, "Quantum Double for Quasi-Hopf Algebras",Letters in math. phys., 45, Number 1 , pages 1-9 (1998).
C. A. S. Young, R. Zegers. Triangular quasi-Hopf algebra structures on certain non-semisimple quantum groups, Commun. Math. Phys. 298, 585-611 (2010).