There is a lot of literature on random matrices, however, in most of the sources that I have seen, the standard construction is by iid sampling of elements of the matrix. While it is natural from mathematical point of view I do not see practical interest in such construction: if an operator models some physical process, hardly it can be related by iid sampling of its elements in some specific coordinate system.
- Could someone tell me in which applications random matrices with iid sampling make a really reasonable model? (I guess that in some areas iid sampling could be reasonable - like graphs/network/social modelling - but I am not sure).
From Bayesian inference it is known that distributions on some classes of matrices are possible, like the Wishart distribution on positive definite matrices. For me it is the opposite side of iid sampled matrices (which I find very "unstructured") - these are too "structured" and very fast there is a limit in modelling by standard tools (instead of priors we start to use mixtures which are often barely interpretable (I mean the mixing parameters)) ...
- I wonder if there is something in between - e.g. I start from some operator (matrix) which is deterministic and reasonable for modelling and slowly increase its complexity by adding randomizations (I prefer term 'jittering') that do not break initial physical meaning.