Let $X$ be a (separated) complex algebraic variety. Then we can view its analytification $\newcommand\topo{\text{top}}X^{\topo}$ as a locally compact Hausdorff space. I wonder whether the same construction exists in the noncommutative world?
Let me phrase a slightly more precise version. Our noncommutative analogues of complex algebraic varieties are $\mathbb C$-linear DG-categories. Our noncommutative analogues of topological spaces are non-unital $C^*$-categories. Thus our question amounts to asking a "forgetful" functor which carries $\mathbb C$-linear DG-categories $\mathcal C$ to $C^*$-categories, denoted by $\mathcal C^{\topo}$. I hope that the following two properties are satisfies:
- If the input $\mathcal C$ is the DG-category $\DeclareMathOperator\Perf{Perf}\Perf(X)$ of perfect complexes on $X$ for a complex algebraic variety $X$, then the output $\mathcal C^{\topo}$ is the non-unital $C^*$-algebra $C(X^{\topo},\mathbb C)$ of continuous complex-valued functions on $X^{\topo}$;
- The operator $K$-theory of $\mathcal C^{\topo}$ should be the same as the topological $K$-theory of $\mathcal C$ à la Blanc.