I'm learning the concept of algebras over $\infty$-operads, following Higher Algebra. The simplest case is when the operad being the trivial operad $\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$, defined as the 1-full subcategory of the category of finite marked sets $\mathrm{Fin}_*$ containing only inert morphisms. For a $\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$-monoidal $\infty$-category $\mathcal{C}^\otimes$, the $\infty$-category $\mathrm{Alg}_{\mathrm{Triv}}(\mathcal{C})$ of $\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$ algebras in $\mathcal{C}^\otimes$ is defined as the full subcategory of $\mathrm{Fun}_{\mathrm{Fin}_*}(\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes,\mathcal{C}^\otimes)$ consisting of functors that preserving inert morphisms. In Higher Algebra it is asserted that evaluation at $\langle 1 \rangle \in \mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$ produces an equivalence $$ \mathrm{Alg}_{\mathrm{Triv}}(\mathcal{C}) \xrightarrow{\sim} \mathcal{C}, $$ which is proven using $p$-Kan extensions, which I'm not familiar with.
I tried to work out this equivalence by myself. By definition $\mathrm{Alg}_{\mathrm{Triv}}(\mathcal{C})$ is the category $\mathrm{Fun}_{/\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes}(\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes,\mathcal{C}^\otimes)^{\mathrm{CCart}}$ of cocartesian sections of $\mathcal{C}^\otimes \to \mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$, which can be further identified with the categorical limit of a diagram $p:\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes \to \mathrm{Cat}_\infty$. By definition we can identify this diagram as $$ p(\langle n \rangle) = \mathcal{C}^{\times n} $$ with the inert morphisms in $\mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$ mapping to projection functors.
However, I have trouble identifying this limit with $\mathcal{C}$, for there are too much interwining arrows. For example, there are 6 arrows in $ \mathrm{Triv}^\otimes$ from $\langle 3 \rangle$ to $\langle 2 \rangle$! My idea is to try transforming this limit diagram in some way, but I did not find a suitable way. Is this approach possible?