In relation to the question on the Hardy inequality and the answer by Terry Tao, I've always been curious about the following:
Let $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain of class $C^2$, $(e^{-t A})_{t \ge 0}$ be the Dirichlet heat semigroup(s) on $L^p(U)$, $1 \le p \le \infty$. $A$ is the Dirichlet Laplacian (i.e. zero boundary conditions). Compare the following (where $\lesssim$ hides a constant dependent on $p,q,U$):
For $\varphi \in L^p(U)$ and $1\le p \le q < \infty$, we have $$\| e^{-t A} \varphi\|_{q} \lesssim \|\varphi\|_p t^{-\frac{n}{2}(\frac{1}{p}-\frac{1}{q})}, \quad t >0.$$
and now on the weighted spaces $L^p(U,\delta)$ where $\delta(x):=\text{dist}(x,\partial U)$, $1\le p \le \infty$.
For $\varphi \in L^p_\delta(U)$ and $1\le p \le q < \infty$, we have $$\| e^{-t A} \varphi\|_{q,\delta} \lesssim \|\varphi\|_{p,\delta} t^{-\frac{n+1}{2}(\frac{1}{p}-\frac{1}{q})}, \quad t >0.$$
Quittner and Souplet call this the dimension shift phenomenon: the weighted space estimates are similar to those in standard $L^p$-spaces in $n+1$ dimensions.
Question 1: Is there something subtle and interesting happening here?
It seems to be based on the following (sketched) observations: from the estimate$$|e^{-tA} \varphi(x)| \lesssim \|\phi\|_{\infty} \frac{\delta(x)}{\sqrt{t}},\quad x \in U, t > 0,\quad \varphi \in L^\infty(U),$$
and as $e^{-tA}$ is self-adjoint in $(L^2,(\cdot,\cdot))$,
$$\|e^{-tA} \varphi\|_1 = (e^{-tA} \varphi, \chi_{U}) = (\varphi, e^{-tA} \chi_U) \lesssim t^{-1/2}(\varphi,\delta)$$
$$\|e^{-tA} \varphi\|_{\infty} = \|e^{-(t/2)A}(e^{(t/2)A)} \varphi)\|_\infty \lesssim t^{-n/2} \|e^{-(t/2)A} \varphi\|_1 \lesssim t^{-(n+1)/2}\|\varphi\|_{1,\delta}$$
and the weighted estimate is obtained by Holder's inequality and some additional rigour (see the book by Quittner/Souplet for details).
Question 2: The weight $\delta$ seems very special. What can be said in the case $\delta^\alpha$ where $\alpha > 1$? It seems a different argument is needed.
I would love to hear any insightful or interesting remarks about the above. Thanks.