Let $(X,\mathcal{B},\mu)$ be an arbitrary finitely additive probability measure space, let $a>0$ and let $(A_i)_{i\in I}$ be an uncountable family of subsets with measure $\geq a$.
Is there an uncountable set $J\subseteq I$ such that, for all $j,j'\in J$, $A_j\cap A_{j'}$ has positive measure?
And if not, are there any conditions on $(X,\mathcal{B},\mu)$ that imply a positive answer to the question? This question seems to give conditions for a stronger result than I am looking for in $\mathbb{R}$, but it uses more axioms apart from ZFC.
I am also interested in any bibliography that deals with uncountable families of measurable sets.
Edit: About the discussion in the comments, it seems for any family $(A_i)_{i\in I}$ of set of measure $\geq a$, where $\#I>2^{\aleph_0}$, there is an uncountable set $J\subseteq I$ such that for all $i,j\in J$, $\mu(A_i\cap A_j)\geq a^2$. To see why, consider the complete graph $G$ with vertex set $I$ and color the edge $(i,j)$ of color "$n$" if $\mu(A_i\cap A_j)\in\left[a-\frac{1}{n},a-\frac{1}{n+1}\right)$ and of color "$0$" if $\mu(A_i\cap A_j)\geq a^2$.
Then the Erdős–Rado theorem implies that there is a monochromatic clique of uncountable size. If this clique has color $n$ for some $n>0$ we reach a contradiction, so the clique is of color $0$, and we are done.