I think that this is solved in
Hartshorne, Robin. On the de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties. Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS, Volume 45 (1975), pp. 5-99. http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1975__45__5_0/
Since he adopts different terminologies, let me explain a bit.
Recall that the infinitesimal site of $X$ consists of an open subscheme $U\to X$ along with a nilpotent thickening $U\to T$. Note that the nilpotent thickening $U\to T$ induces a homeomorphism $\DeclareMathOperator\an{an}\lvert U^{\an}\rvert\to\lvert T^{\an}\rvert$ of underlying topological spaces of analytifications, therefore the map $R\Gamma(T^{\an};\mathbb C)\to\mathcal O(T)$ of (derived) abelian sheaves on the infinitesimal site induces a map $R\Gamma((-)^{\an};\mathbb C)\to Rv_*(\mathcal O)$ of (derived) abelian Zariski sheaves, where $\DeclareMathOperator\inf{inf}v\colon X_{\inf}\to X_{\operatorname{Zar}}$ is the canonical map of sites. It suffices to show that this is a quasi-isomorphism, and thus we reduce to check that, for every affine open subscheme $U\to X$, the map $R\Gamma(U^{\an};\mathbb C)\to R\Gamma(U_{\inf};\mathcal O)$ is a quasi-isomorphism.
This is the main result of Hartshorne's paper above: we can embed $U$ as a closed subscheme of a smooth affine $\mathbb C$-scheme $Y$, and a Čech–Alexander computation tells us that $R\Gamma(U_{\inf};\mathcal O)$ is represented by Hartshorne's algebraic de Rham complex associated to $U\to Y$ (a similar result in crystalline cohomology can be found in [Stacks Projects, Tag 07LG]).
Let me mention that, this result could be strengthened a bit to incorporate coefficient systems. More precisely, in [Scholze, Geometrization of the real local Langlands], an analytic Riemann–Hilbert is established. In Chapter II, a proof for the smooth case is explained, but this generalizes to singular cases essentially by considering stacks on totally disconnected $\mathbb C_{\operatorname{gas}}$-algebras as in Section V.3 (cf. Prop V.3.8).