Let $M$ be a closed Riemannian manifold isometrically embedded in some $\mathbf R^N$, and moreover let $d_M$ be the Riemannian distance on $M$. It is clear that for $x,y \in M$ : $$ |x-y| \leq d_M(x,y). $$ My question is about the inverse inequality, i.e. do we have a constant $k$ such that $$ d_M(x,y) \leq k |x-y|\;? $$ I think the answer is yes and the idea was to take
\begin{equation*} k = \underset{x,y \in M}{\sup} \frac{d_M(x,y)}{|x-y|} \end{equation*}
We just have to verify that the function defined just above is continue, so typically we have problems when $x$ and $y$ are close. Do we have some asymptotics or some ways to prove it ? I searched some results in books but I couldn't find anything.
Thank you !